SmallMap 0.47

SmallMap is a tool for creating vector maps using raster data as well as for processing spatial information. The application is based on the relational Firebird 3.0 database. It allows you to collect and process raster images and vector layers. Currently, the program works with spatial data in WGS84 system and WebMercator projection. It operates in two modes: preview and edition of objects. The default unit set in the program is one meter. The application supports U-blox 7 GPS receivers.


Demo version

The restrictions of the demo version are only those referring to a fewer number of available plugins (SHPLib and TIFFLib, exclusively), generators (none), and extensions (DEMO only). Apart from this, the application is fully functional. The demonstration license has no time limits.

Date File Size Notes
03/01/24 Changes.txt 5.86 KB List of changes
03/01/24 Installation_Win.pdf 238.54 KB Installation manual for Windows systems
03/01/24 Installation_Linux.pdf 288.89 KB Installation manual for Linux systems
03/01/24 Manual.pdf 4.54 MB User manual
03/01/24 54.46 MB Installer of application (Windows 32-bit)
03/01/24 85.76 MB DEB package (Linux 64-bit)

The demo version of the application is distributed as freeware. It means that it can be used completely free for home use, while it is forbidden to introduce any modifications or derive financial benefits from the distribution of the program by third parties. Although, I have made my best to ensure that the program works correctly, I cannot give any guarantees for the program operation and I am not liable for any possible damage resulting from its usage.

Updated: 03/01/24